Supporting your child's ABA
Apply today and we will review your eligibility to access our ABA program. If pre-qualified we will work together to make sure Forta’s ABA is a fit for you and your family.
Apply todayHow Forta's ABA is changing lives today.
A family powered approach produces meaningful outcomes as measured in Vineland scores compared to industry averages.1
(1) April 2024; Family-Centric Applied Behavior Analysis Facilitates Improved Treatment Utilization and Outcomes.
1.4x communication score
2.7x executive functioning score
Executive functioning
1.8x socialization score
Conventional ABA
Forta ABA
Why Forta?
- Begin seeing tangible results with your child, on your schedule
- Teach your family how to utilize ABA best practices
- Build a toolbox that will last a lifetime
The Forta Path
Forta’s team of experienced clinicians guide you through our program to educate you on the fundamentals of ABA and the skills needed to provide therapy to your child.
Intake process
After applying and pre-qualifying for the program, we will review your eligibility for ABA benefits prior to the training program.
Parent Training Program
Complete our parent training program and gain the skills you need for Parent mediated ABA therapy. Our 100% online and free training gives you access to 10 hours of learning and live study sessions with the support of our expert training team.
Personalized Treatment Plan
Clinical assessment is conducted by Forta BCBA to review your child’s learning opportunities with an ABA therapy plan. Review your eligibility of benefits with our team prior to beginning therapy.
Parent Mediated ABA Therapy
We work with you, your insurance provider and Forta BTs & BCBAs to conduct consistent, quality Parent Mediated ABA therapy.
Supported by the Forta team
Every step of the way, our clinical team, training team and BCBAs will be there to guide you through the process of care delivery.
- Insurance and eligibility review with our care team.
- Parent training and live learning sessions with our training team.
- 1-on-1 assessment with one of our BCBAs as we develop and implement a therapy plan.
Are you eligible?
- Now serving 45 states
- Must have valid insurance
- A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Ready to commit 15+ hours a week with your child